Tuesday, April 15, 2008

McCain and the Media

He seems to be liked across the board by the media - liberal and conservative. (I actually get tired of those labels). Anyway an MSNBC article had more, click the link for full story:

McCain: Speaking to his base, the media

Posted: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:14 AM by Mark Murray

This piece by the Washington Post’s Milbank might generate some discussion today. “So much for the liberal media. John McCain and Barack Obama both appeared before the nation's newspaper editors yesterday. The putative Republican presidential nominee was given a box of doughnuts and a standing ovation. The likely Democratic nominee was likened to a terrorist.” More: “McCain got a standing ovation -- an honor Obama did not receive when his turn came two hours later.”

The Wall Street Journal previews McCain’s economic speech. "Mixing austerity and tax cuts, Sen. John McCain is laying out an economic plan that includes increased Medicare premiums for wealthy seniors and a one-year freeze on spending along with a proposal to review a vast swath of federal programs. In a major economic speech Tuesday, the likely Republican presidential nominee also acknowledges economic distress among students and families.”

“He plans to aid students caught in the credit crunch who may have trouble obtaining college loans and to call for another big tax cut -- this one helping families with children. The proposals, combined with those he has already put on the table, show the Arizona senator's mixed approach to economics. He pushes tax cuts, a traditional Republican favorite; government reforms, such as an end to pork-barrel projects; and new spending for those he sees as deserving, such as students looking for loans and homeowners who need to refinance their troubled mortgages."

Bloomberg News also previews the McCain speech: "To ease gasoline prices, which average $3.37 a gallon nationally, McCain will propose a ‘gas-tax holiday,’ scrapping the 18.4 cents-per-gallon federal levy from Memorial Day to Labor Day this year. ‘Because the cost of gas affects the price of food, packaging, and just about everything else, these immediate steps will help to spread relief across the American economy,' McCain will say in the speech."