I really enjoy reading about things like that. There are truly many people who do so many unselfish acts daily and it is nice to be reminded of them. Please take time to read the entire story at the CNN website - it will make your heart smile.
via CNN:
Soldiers shave heads to support cancer kids
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Under a huge tent just outside the medical unit at Camp Liberty, shielded from the blazing sun, soldiers watch and cheer as two men at a time get their heads shaved. Clumps of hair fall to the hot sand below.
But they're not just fighting the Iraqi heat. They're showing solidarity with sick kids they don't even know.
It started with a dare on St. Patrick's Day 2000, when two guys shaved their heads to support children with cancer. Thus was born the St. Baldrick's Foundation. In eight years, the awareness and fundraising organization says, events have taken place in 18 countries and the United States, "raising over $34 million and shaving more than 46,000 heads."
Maj. Stephen Roberts knows a lot about bald heads. He's a pediatric oncologist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. And he's seen a lot of his young patients lose their hair to chemotherapy.
The kids he guides through treatment don't seem fazed by it. "They're just amazing, inspiring kids," Roberts said. "They're going through something more difficult than most of us can imagine and they do it with a level of grace and strength that I don't think I could match."
This year, Roberts planned to participate back home in Washington, but he deployed to Iraq. So he organized the shearing on the base
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